I know not many people may care about this blog, but I felt like I needed a place to document the journey I've taken with my weight loss. If it inspires you, GREAT! I'll say that I appreciate all motivating comments from anyone who reads this blog. It is my plan to document my successes and failures in this blog.
For as long as I can remember, I've been overweight. Seriously--I don't remember a time when I was at an acceptable weight except maybe in early elementary school. I've always said or been told I was big boned--which is probably true. At certain times while I was growing up, when I would talk with people about my weight, they would comment that I didn't look like I weighed as much as I did.
Throughout all of high school I weighed anywhere between 200-230 pounds. I don't know my exact weight simply because, at that time, I didn't worry about it. During my senior year, I went to the doctor for a check-up and decided to ask about losing weight. He told me to count calories and that's where I started. For the remainder of my high school career I counted calories, did very little exercise, and lost weight. I graduated, in 1993, at 210 pounds.
Throughout my college career, my weight fluctuated between 210 and 230. I watched what I ate, exercised by taking PE classes and managed to end college at about 210. I met my wonderful husband at the end of my college career . The wedding plans helped me maintain my weight so that I looked stunning on my wedding day. :)
In the year and a half that followed, I gained weight. When I found out I was pregnant for my first child, I was at about 230. Throughout my pregnancy, I LOST weight! Yes, LOST! Everything was fine during the pregnancy. I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. When I left the hospital, I was at my lowest weight ever since high school ended--approximately 208 pounds. That was nine years ago.
In 2003, I found out I was pregnant again. At this time, I was approximately 230-240 pounds again--I gained 20+ pounds in 2 years! Again, pregnancy seemed to be my best weight-loss plan as I lost weight during the entire pregnancy and I left the hospital much lighter than I started. I weighed about 215. I vowed at that time not to gain my weight back! HA--that was a joke.
Over the next 5-6 years, I gained a whopping 35+ pounds. I tried Weight Watchers at least twice and never lost more than 15 pounds. I didn't feel like I had the will power to keep it up. In 2009, I found out I was pregnant for my third child. Again, I lost some weight during the pregnancy, but not as much as I had for the first two. However, once my beautiful baby boy was born, I was again much lighter than when I had found out I was pregnant. I left the hospital at about 230 instead of where I entered at 254--my highest weight ever. This time, I vowed again, never to see that number.
In the two months after my youngest was born, I gained about 12 pounds--of course I couldn't excercise much for 6-8 weeks. Once I was cleared by the doctor, I decided to start back on Weight Watchers and began walking for exercise. I officially started with Weight Watchers in April 2010 at 242 pounds. My husband inspired me to start walking when he started training for and racing in various 5Ks. I decided that I could walk while my boys practiced baseball. I also joined water aerobics in the summer which helped me get acclimated to exercise. When my husband ran the United Way Bridge Run across the Luling Bridge in April 2010, I decided my goal would be to walk it in April 2011.
Since I began in April 2010, I have officially lost 23.5 pounds from my starting weight of 242. If I consider my highest weight before my last pregnancy, I have lost 35.5 pounds. It has been difficult! I have to be strong especially when co-workers want to go out to eat. There are periods of time when I do REALLY well and bring my lunch, count all my points, and track all of my activity. Then there are times when I do none of that. I don't beat myself up if I don't lose weight especially if I know that I didn't follow the plan closely. I also don't deprive myself--I try to budget my points so I can eat what I want and not feel like I'm "dieting."
I had set a goal to end 2010 at 210 or less. I didn't make that goal--but I'm not upset. I was able to maintain my weight during the holiday season with the sweets and incredible amount of food I exposed myself to. So, now, my goal has been reset. I want to be below 200 by March 4th. That gives me approximately 10 weeks to lose about 19 pounds--that's right at 2 pounds per week. It's doable, but I'm going to have to be VERY disciplined.
I've started back with my exercise and am doing a better job of tracking my points (today I ate WAY too many--thank goodness for weekly points!).
As I continue I will post my successes and failures as I go towards this goal. WHEN I make it, I will be at my lightest since HIGH SCHOOL--at least 18 years ago!
Feel free to follow me as I journey to my ultimate goal of 155 pounds--a weight I probably haven't seen since elementary or junior high!
I just wanted to say that I am extremely proud of you, not only for what you have and plan to achieve, but also for the example you are setting for your boys. You and Rickie are really making a statement to them that making healthy choices are a priority. You are truly an inspiration!! I am also thrilled to be able to participate in your journey as one half of Team Mansta!!