Well, today was a set back. I completely expected it, though. Here's the info:
Starting weight: 242
Weight last week: 207.4
Weigh-in today: 211.7
1 week change: +4.3
Total loss on WW: -30.3
Total loss since Feb 2010: -42.3
What led to this? Simply put, poor choices toward the end of last week. I would love to be able to label it as the time of the month (which had a little to do with the reason why I made poor choices) but that's not an excuse for 4 pounds.
It started on Thursday with me ordering pizza, cheesesticks, and buffalo wings. That should have been enough. But, between the weather and work I did on Friday (we were off but I still worked all day), I chose to eat a fried seafood plate with french fries. Oh, Thursday and Friday night I also ate Chocolate Creme Pie--what I ate those two nights equated to half the pie! OMG!!! I did work out on Saturday, but didn't track food. Went to a birthday party where I abstained from cake and ice cream, but ate an awesome dip (it really wasn't too much) but I didn't track it at all. :( That night I had white beans and rice, reasonably portioned, so that's a small win. Yesterday, I did fairly well throughout the morning, but we went shopping for Matt's birthday and went to the mall. I ate Menchies and then BJ's where I had a half-pound burger with wedge-cut fries. I CHOSE all of this, so I fully expected the 4 pound gain.
So, what has to change? Well, I need to track! So far so good for today. I need to resist my temptations and just cook rather than take the easy way out for take-out food. This is a big week for me as I will be walking a half-marathon for the first time. So I need to eat sensibly so I'm not cramping and such while on the race course. I'm continuing to drink my water--hopefully a lot of what I gained was water weight between the salt and such.
I haven't failed, but I can't slip into a rut here. I'm attempting to kick it back in gear! Oh, I'm staying off the scale until Monday morning too!
Bye-bye for now!
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